Confronting moms fears constructively

Part 2

What if i make mistakes in my parenting techniques
• Their education( a good school)
• If their nutrition is well balanced
• Am i modelling what i would like them to be
• Do my children think im a good and fair parent

What if i make mistakes in my parenting techniques

From time to time such questions may arise because we all want the best for our children. You will often wonder if your choices as their parent are as good as the intentions you have for your children.

I have mentioned before that we all want the best for our children but we adopt different techniques in raising our children. However we all want the same things, that is healthy children, we want our children to be safe, to be loved, to grow feeling secure and knowing God.

How can we be confident in our choices for our children

The human opinions fall short! But we have a Father, we have God who dwells in us and through His Word we solidify our connection with Him. It is His spirit that knows all things and His spirit dwells in us when we receive Him as Lord and our personal Savior. You cannot raise a child the right way without submitting to God.

I question myself from time to time if every decision we make concerning our children is God’s will for their lives and leads them to their purpose. This just makes me realise my dependence on God i know in Him my children’s peace is guaranteed!

God uses different people to reach out to us. It is important to keep our hearts open to learning continuously.

Do not stop learning and finding better and wiser ways to guide your family.

If their education is good enough

You always want to give your children something better than what you had yourself. So whether you homeschool your children or not, you are very concerned about their level of education. You want to make sure they attend a good school too.

I had have been homeschooling our children myself for a year before i found a teacher to continue since i got burnt out from office hours to school hours.

I learnt so much about my children though in that period. I learnt about what my children are passionate about and how the education system should support that. We grew up in a time where it did not matter what we liked as long as we worked hard at school. Which is fine however what someone is born with (gifts and talents) they need to nurture it without being made to feel it is silly.

How to be confident in their education

Involve yourself from time to time and be that support as much as you are at home. Take time to know for yourself their strengths and areas that need improvement as a parent. Often we assume children are pleased by what we think will pleases them. They appreciate you cheering them even when the world is not there to witness.

Children are just pleased by sitting with them for a simple chat on their bed before going to bed.

Do your research too about children, how well they learn, what kind of an environment they desire to learn in to be very engaging, what makes learning hard for them and better yet know your own children and their passions.

Is their nutrition well balanced?

Parents prioritise their children’s health because we know what they eat will affect them negatively or positively in the long run. We know the things that are healthy however our children do not like them in most cases.

We now have to find ways to get them to eat healthy food consistently without depriving them from their snacks.

I believe whatever you train your child, they eventually dance to the beat of your drum. It does not happen overnight but a commitment to change a habit.

Our children used to love eating too much yoghurt until we  decided to give them cooked food daily without yoo much snacking on yorghut even if they complained. They can survive a good month without much snacking, only really well cooked food.

How to give them a balanced diet daily

What really helped my husband and i was i committed to cooking daily for our family. Even though the menu needs to be reviewed right now. This has helped us not only in nutritious meals but to save a lot for weekend outings.

If cooking daily is not an option for you, i understand our circumstances can never be similar. You can ensure your nanny knows how to cook good meals children can enjoy daily that are balanced throughout the day. Do not forget to give them water from time to time.

Have a menu that’s easy to use for lunch packs too and in between meals.

I cook once a day in large pots so i have time to rest.

Am i modelling what i would like them to become

Life can put immerse pressure on us that we live life on auto pilot and hardly intentional about much in our lives. The pressure balancing work life and home life. Children model who we are more than what we say. We are their leaders and in life we imitate our leaders.

Leading someone does not become easier because they are young. It becomes even more challenging knowing you are shaping a being who will become what you planted in their lifetime.

Its easy to become very insecure about whether you are presenting your best self because we have mistakes too. Making a mistake does not make you a failure but points you to an area that needs attention and improvement. 

How to be confident in modeling what you want your child to look like

I say this often! Be very intentional about about your engagement with your children even your habits that you think they may not notice.

Write down areas you need to improve and it may be as simple as unforgiveness. You are already setting a tone for your children and future generations to come. Your children know exactly who you are whether you like or dislike other people, they know and notice!

Actually you would be surprised if you would ask them about yourself.

We are all evolving and growing, it is ok not to be great at something but when you become aware it is time to improve. If confidence and self awareness is an issue to you then work on it daily so your children drink from an overflowing cup.

Will my children think i am a good and fair parent

I am so funny with this one but i always notice just how much they stare when i give one child too much attention. It may be because that child needs it at that moment. However children do not understand things like we do as adults.

That is why you find when one of our children gets injured and we attend to him/her, the other children also tell us about how they got injured last week.

I notice how they stare when you give one child attention and you want your children to know you do not have favourites and appreciate who they are as individuals.

When we had our third baby i realised just how much my parents were doing all the best they could. I appreciated my parents more however children do not see it that way.

How to intentionally show fairness to your children

Children want to know that you appreciate them for their uniqueness and that you notice them.

When children get their one on one with you they become confident in the relationship and build trust overtime.

They want to be included in everything in the household activities. When i buy them clothes for example, if possible ill include all of them.

When you notice one child feeling left out maybe while attending the other child find a way to bring in the other child. Attend this before it can grow.

Watch the words you speak to your children. Apologise when the need arises.

I love this verse that always encourages me to continue trusting God on everything concerning my life.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths.

We learn every day to become better parents. Let me know your views on the comments section. I would love to learn from you!

Sharing my mother’s recipe for an immune booster

It can be taken daily if you wish and its a natural drink.


1 Ginger (thumb size), 1 clove garlic, 1 lemon with peels and seeds (whole lemon),1 apple ( with everything) and 1 cup of water.


Confronting Moms fears constructively

Part 1

  • Not having enough time with your children
  • Children will be closer to nanny?
  • Am i doing enough as a mom?
  • Whether my child develops normally
  • Will i handle the pressure of another baby?

Not having enough time with your children

This is a fear that is most dominant to us moms. I believe if flexible working hours for mothers were introduced in Eswatini, a lot of us moms would take that offer. However since we do not have flexible working we find ourselves feeling guilty most days in between work and home.

If we could we would give our children all the time. However that would not be possible even if we were working from home or we were stay at home moms. Sometimes we need a nap, bath and time to do some cooking and more.

How to effortlessly spend more time with my children

Involve them in activities around the house and do things together when you are home.

When you have a moment to sit down give them the most of you without any distractions. Be present because you know when you have given all your attention in a moment.

I always remind myself that before everything else i am a wife and a mother. I live my life prioritising those roles above everything else. It always reminds me to focus on these roles. This keeps me in check too, i cannot compare myself with other people who make more tome for other things.

Will my children be closer to my nanny?

Children get close to someone who makes time for them and notices them. Children love their parents however what could train a child to be distant from a parent is when you always turn them down. When your toddler asks you to pour them a glass of water but you always refer them to the nanny, the other parent or anyone else present.

They start being really distant because they start to understand that you do not help them most times they need it. It trains them to be closer to where the source of help most available. I used to do that when we had our second baby. I noticed she would always go to our nanny for help and that was a reality check for me.

I decided to change my mindset about being tired from work. I had to find ways that would help me feel less tired, so i attend to my children after work.

How to gain control as a parent

Take interest in what your children like. Children express themselves in different ways. Some children love sports, some arts, some music and so much more. Show interest and acknowledge what they love.

Consider having a nanny that commutes to allow the bond to grow with your children and to enjoy intimate family moments that are freely expressed.

Am i doing enough as a mother?

Once in a while we all question whether we are doing enough for our children and its the issues of the heart. Sometimes this often comes as a comparison to other families or standards we have set to achieve but often fell short.

I have often struggled with this one in particular. I know on weekends i am supposed to be there for the children and we do fun activities together as a family. Its really tough though for me because i have a demanding job and saturdays I’m often very tired.

Read my recent post #survivaltipsforworkingmoms to help you through the transition from work to home harmoniously without much struggle

How to be confident in my role

Trust that you are enough. You are not the only one who feels like this from time to time. That is why the experience of being a parent is so humbling because you know you need God to guide you on this journey.

If there is something you could change by availing yourself more then use this nudge to learn ways to be more present and intentional .

What has really helped me is setting an intention of what i want to achieve as a mom for my entire family. I never used to do much by myself as a mom because i relied much on my nanny. I learnt and intentionally chose to be hands on all the time when i am home.

What keeps me going is that i do not want to look back when our children are grown up and wish i would turn back the clock to be better. Therefore whatever makes me a better wife and mother i set an intention to do it.

Will My Child Develop Normally?

The moment your baby arrives, whether you start breastfeeding or bottle feeding you are tracking their growth. If you are a new mom you have read many magazines and books on parenting and how to handle a new born baby. You start tracing the development stages and often wonder if your children are growing well.

If you are a working mom its more nerve wrecking knowing you are back at work full time. You may have pumped so much milk but often wonder if the nanny feeds the baby well.

How to focus on development and not the slow pace

First of all children are not the same. They develop at different stages. Their personalities are not the same too. They handle pressure and change differently.

I have often noticed with our children whenever we have a new nanny sometimes the children do not handle the change well. You find the child will lose weight, throw tantrums a lot, be very needy, seek more attention and more.

However these may be signs that a nanny may be ill treating your children. Never ignore those signs, take not of how your baby behaves when you leave the house and when you arrive after work.

That is why i often emphasize on why it is important to make time and be fully present with your children. Sometimes you may feel like your children throw too much tantrums yet its a way they are telling you they are not okay.

Do not be afraid to change your nanny to protect your child.

Navigate what could help your baby. Our baby boy started talking at 5 years old. That really made me anxious however when i look back God strengthened us and made us more alert to whom we expose our children to.

No matter how young your children are they know a tone, body language and cannot protect themselves from people who talk carelessly. We would even protect him from relatives who spoke carelessly.

Now he is the smartest boy and the most fluent in speaking.

Learn to embrace change yourself as a parent. If its time for the baby to walk, let them walk without disturbing much as they keep falling several times.

Will i handle the pressure of another baby?

The arrival of a newborn baby is the most exciting time for a family. There is often pressure when you are having a second or third baby too as much as the first.

You often wonder if you will be able to handle being a mother of many children. This also comes with adjusting your time and financial management in the home.

What has challenged me so much is being able to give each of my children time and attention. They all desire to be noticed and valued. When we had our third baby i was often so guilty i spent much less time with our second baby. I was always nursing, if i was not nursing i would be sterilising the breast pumps and pumping milk.

However it affected our relationship then because she became too close to her daddy and found comfort. As much as that is wonderful too i also have a role to play.

How To Handle The Pressure of Another Baby

Be very intentional about what you want for your family and work towards it.

Adjust your routines, raise for your nanny, finances for your household.

If its possible to buy a twins stoller if you have a toddler when the baby arrives then do so.

When new baby sleeps, spent time with the other children.

When the pressure mounts teach yourself to respond lovingly so guilt does not build up.

I have to learn to accept the noise in my house, it still drives me a little crazy. However colouring time makes them quiet and very much productive. We started doing this when we realised as we homeschooled them they loved drawing whatever they imagined.

I trust this read is very much helpful to you, your children and your families. The role of a parent is forever and taking time off on your schedule to read and hear other parents helps one realise that we all have fears from time to time.

It is important to remember this scripture my friend had on her status recently which also reminded me of depending fully on God.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I would love to know your thoughts! Feel free to comment or ask a question. Or email me at

Survival tips for working moms

Review Daily Routines

Suffering from burn out is very common whenever you have routines that no longer work. It becomes very important to review your routines from time to time just like decluttering unnecessary material our routines need to be uncluttered too. I refer to daily routines because it is what you do consistently that contributes to your overall wellbeing and success. This can range from

  • Morning routines
  • Work routines
  • Evening routines

I include work routines because it matters too how you strategise your work so that you are able to maximise time with your children too.

The Happy Mom Life

Having a moment with my daughter Shalom

Knowing that you matter

I remember my days when our children were infants then toddlers i have felt so lonely. My life was between work, home and church. What made things worse was the loneliness i felt in church gatherings. I would be the mom playing outside with her children when they have a moment wanting to be fed or throwing a tantrum. However moms want to be happy too.

I felt judged by other ladies whose children were grown up than my children. The anxiety that i would have knowing that now its church time. Ofcourse i was never alone as my husband and i are always taking care of the children together or in turns during gatherings. Maybe our challenge was our children were all young with little age gaps.

Now i realise it would have been so much better if i had built a community where i can feel safe, loved, capable and strong as a mom. Surrounding yourself with like minded people who speak life towards your role is healing and reminds you that your role matters. You deserve to be a happy  mom.

I am here today to remind you that your role actually matters so much more than you realise. You may be a stay at home mom, working fulltime mom or business mom all these matter. You are raising a human being!

Giving birth is not easy most times however what is more challenging than this is actually parenting. Its a lifetime commitment.

Parenting skills critisized

You are a new mom! Know this, people will critisize your parenting skills. This may range from the way you dress your children, feeding, changing, theie school and these weighs heavy on moms because we deeply know we are trying our best and that another person may easily see that. However when critised one questions their ability as a parent.

Its important to know that its not everyone that will critisize all you do. Some people will genuinely be willing to guide and support you on this journey. They will also be happy that you are a happy mom.

We come from different backgrounds too and we express ourselves in ways we too often know so well until we are aware of better ways to communicate.

Sometimes we ignore that we want similar things for our children but our approaches in life are so different.

You and i both know that you are doing the best you know how as a parent and if there is a better way you realise you can adopt in the ways you raise your children, you will learn.

A lunch meal for our children while at Malolotja Nature reserve in Eswatini

Stress free Morning Routines For mommy’s Happier Days Ahead

How well you start the day mostly determines your productivity, does it?

Having one of my favourite beverages from Herbal life. Instant herbal tea (gym in a bottle)

I totally believe so!

Its the morning again, the alarm goes off at 4:30 Am, the time i use for my daily excercise and  having changed my morning routine i feel so much in control.

Its time to put on my gym gear. Procrastination is still the order of the day, quite slowly at times i put the geyser up to warm water for the bath time then i go to the living room where i do my excercices. Remember that the idea is to be consistent, to see results excercise more days than you rest or take a break.

Daily Gym

I have downloaded several 30 minute excercises from you tube and now i have to pick which one ill actually use for my day whether i am doing full cardio, or plank excercises. At the time of choice its already 4:45 AM and i have not started.

I am showing you that you do not give up just because you atill feel like snoozing because i know the power is at the point of starting!

Finally i start, i just keep going and what im grateful for is the motivation i have to keep at it. I have a post on facebook on how my journey started 3 years ago where i created my own wellbeing programme that was flexible for me to start and i became consistent. It relates why i started to excercise and how it can help you begin your journey! I have copied a link for you here beauty, remember that you can design a schedule that will truly fit your needs and your family too.

The Day Begins

Ironically i take a 5-10 minutes break after my daily exercise when my day actually begins. This is the time i am supposed to be reading the word of God for a consistent daily walk with God but i just keep missing it. This is sonething im really working on because it does not help to keep moving blindly yet the Spirit of God knoes all things and daily we need God’s guidance! Normally i talk to God through prayer when im done resting that short period and then move on to updating ads for social media. Thank God for Creator Studio that allows me to schedule posts on facebook for pages allthingsgodlypretty mommyblog and umtfuntiwelilangainvestments ( a heating and cooling company run by my husband and i)

However my life could be much easier if i could make time during weekends and schedule the ads for the whole week. I have thought about it several times however my weekends pass by and im just able to edit pictures that i will be using during that week. Im working on that an i will give you feedback so we continue to enhance our lives and wellbeing. Planning a week ahead could actually make my days much simpler during the week.

Not So Love Drenched After All

Eswatini mom

Relaxed mom on a lunch out

Weeks have passed i still have this void, this feeling within me that there is something missing. I most probably know what it is subconsciously but not exactly aware of it on my conscious mind. You know that feeling of endless guilt, if you are ever present enough for your children and spouse.

A Consistent Fun Family Life for busy moms!

Hello, im mom! Im a wife and mom, i work fulltime, a blogging mom, run the family company ads and do the admin work and pay roll and recently started social networking business. So welcome busy moms!

Hi Momma

I have seen people creating lovely moments that were planned for bridal showers and baby showers. People look for gifts and outfits to attend and find a way to attend and afford. It means whatever you put your mind on anything is possible for busy moms. It all starts with a decision to make time daily.

Our childen grow so fast, not so long ago our babies were new born babies but now they can feed themselves, get themselves to the bathroom, bath themselves and time really moves. It is possible to realise after children are in their teens that you missed time with them when they were toddlers and before their teens. I know how challenging toddlers can be, our royal priesthoods have grown with the first born Charis (8), Shalom (4) and Kairos (3) and it is important not to lose our bond with them while they are young.

We do so well in engaging on social media which is totally okay because we are social beings but our responsibility to love, nuture, give time affection and attention are very important. All we are doing daily with our children is planting seeds that will grow and we have to eventually harvest later especially in their teens and maybe shape up whom they will become in life. Psalms 22:6 reads ” Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”

A picture of our babies who gave themselves a shopping spree while we were replenishing groceries.

How often do you put down your cellphone or gadgets just to focus on your children?
As a parent you feel a major disconnection with your children when your attention is divided. Sometimes that feeling could come as a huge feeling of disatisfaction at home, being overly distracted because we sometimes we cover our weaknesses with many disteactions and not face them head on.

I recall quitting social media when our 3rd baby arrived, but i do regret completely shutting myself off from the world because i have three years to catch up on on the media world and it can be tough. What i have learnt is to minimise the use of gadgets around your children as much as possible not necessarily cutting it off. You still need the genuine connections you make on social media. It is an art of balancing it well, i use the Digital Wellbeing and Parental controls settings that have screen time, app timers and wind down time.

Social media marketing ads can take its toll and most importantly. Now as moms we find ways to work smarter around it and we learn everyday.

Children will not remember how you went to work to provide for them but they desire oneness, an intimate relationship with their parents or guardians to not just be told they are loved but to have a knowing of Love. Okay wait, they will remember and acknowledge when they are older but now they are young, they know you are their super hero and all they want is not just your gifts but your time too.

I usually have my moments too as a parent where i focus to much on the blog and social media ads yet i work fulltime but there is this void that hits me really hard and i realise i need to disconect just a bit online with social media and connect with our children and my husband. Children grow so well in an environment where the parents are one with each other and its the best gift parents can ever give to your children. A safe and peaceful environment.

Mom creating new content images for the company run by my husband and i fir social media ads.

The girls love different things but mostly they have things in common like loving tea parties, picnics, dressing up, girl time and flowers. We can simply find ways to get these or make it possible for them. What i love is children do not really need a price tag on these things but for you to remember and honour what they love too. It encourages them as they develop who they are.
Our son Charis (8) loves worship songs and he just sings and carries a microphone all day. Its his passion, we sometimes sing along with him and now he leads our daily prayers at home with our children.

When you have toddlers and i believe teenagers too the temptation is to frown more times than you actually smile at them. They are mostly messing the house, too energetic, breaking things and its easier to lose focus in giving them love by shouting constantly and i too find myself shouting but when you realise then you stop. How can we make our homes conducive for their growth because they need to play and be free as they learn the environment and feed their curiosity.

Often its easier to focus on deadlines at work and many challenges we face as parents when we are at home because we need to focus on so many things to be done in the home.
Whenever possible save some cash for an outing just to relax and focus on the children i believe this help refocus just on children.
One may say that there is not enough money sometimes but there are many ways to bond without spending much. I love taking walks, hiking, picnics, movie marathon great for children and playing their favourite games.
My husband and i have really energetic children so we choose our hangout spots with them wisely😀.We love these place in Eswatini thst is, Malolotja Nature Reserve, Maguga Dam Restaurant, Sibebe Rock Spur, Malandela’s has a large space for children to explore and just trying new places together. Its really fun!

Malolotja Nature Reserves is one of our most fave hangout spots in Eswatini, we love nature, big space and great food from their restaurant.

Another reason we really prioritise their outings is because they school at home. They have always been homeschooled and vacations came top to our list of priorities. We registered them at a real school at Abeka Academy in Pensacola, Florida USA. I helped them for classes earlier as they have their teacher online and now we got a teacher to maximise their time for class who fascilitates their studies with their teacher at Abeka to meet deadlines. If you find yourself interested in homeschooling especially in these times visit a Christian school and you can even chat to them online. For more information feel free to email me

Teacher Veronica who tutors our children during their online classes @abekaacademy since i work fulltime i had to find help to meet school deadlines.

I remember this one time i was off work and i took time to go with them to a restaurant in Mbabane while daddy was at work. Resist the temptation to take your nanny with you on their outings most times children just want some time alone with you.

One of the reasons we chose a helper that commutes daily is to focus completely on children when we are home and learn to help each other as husband and wife in taking care of them and we have grown in taking care of each other with the children too. They grow knowing that whatever help they need when we are home they get it from us and not our nanny. Our nannies are so important to us and our children but we can learn to balance our quality time too.

My husband adds that sometimes we overwhelm our homes with relatives and children hardly find one on one times with parents, pay attention to such things or find a way to make your children a priority admist it all.

Have conversations with your children and they will hint in their words things they really like and things they really do not like. They will even tell you how a nanny treats them while you are not home but that may not be possible if the nanny is always around. If you choose to have a stay in nanny try to have many off weekends for the nanny to get to know your babies better if it is possible.

Recently i started cooking with the whole family so we bond when time is limited as suggested by a friend on social media, i totally love it.

It was a cold day but we got all dressed up just to go out for some hot chocolate and we had a good chat in a different environment

Having a social life is not a bad thing at all, you can actually learn so much from others but it is important to make time for the family too. I noticed over the years that males normally associate such a lifestyle as western and normally belittle men who love their wife and children and makes time for them. The decision lies with the husband and a wife what they want for their family, how they see themselves living their life whether its based on other people’s opinion or on what they believe the Word of God desires for them.

I love bonding sessions with my husband too because we catch up on so much and ways we could make a fun, happy and Christful life for our children.

When leading a family it requires spiritual maturity so to know what things you can or cannot allow to your family. A man is the leader in the family and he leads how he desire his family to be. The word of the Lord emphasises on praying for our leaders. It is not as easy because the decisions affects later generations too.
1 Timothy 3:4
Thank you for spending this time with me, remember that i am not just here to tell you what to do but to bring you to a state of awareness concerning happy times with our families. Let us have fun my loves and bond in our unique ways that blend well with who you are and your purposecas a family together.
I love you so much. #Godblessyouandyourfamilies

Our children playing during a family outing.

New baby,where did time with your spouse go!?🙆‍♀️🙇‍♀️

A family photoshoot waiting the arrival of our baby

It seems it would come naturally to multitask the more my husband and i had more children. I should have figured out by now how i juggle bath time, feeding time, cooking time and figuring out how to change sleeping patterns earlier on baby’s arrival.

The arrival of our baby Kairos

However it has not been like that at all. It otfen is a major challenge whenever a new baby arrives because its a new person that we still need to know well, know sleep patterns, know when they need attention( the most common way is when a baby cries).

I had actually thought of a faster way to learn our new baby was to journal about our baby’s patterns. The desire was to journal how often the baby cries, when the baby needs to be fed and when they just need to cuddle. Sometimes a baby may cry because they would like to be changed, their nappy or uncomfortable socks sometimes it may be stomach cramps or other possibilities. Somehow i would not be able to journal most of the time because when baby is asleep you either try to do some work or sleep too.

Having a new baby is such a beautiful experience for a family. My favourite dress from fashiondashcouture

Your beautiful baby is here, the most exciting time for parents. It almost seems umbelievable that your little love is finally here. You could gaze at her for mote than an hour in love. As time goes by the realisation that all the time goes to your baby and it should.

Wishing your date with your husband now quickly switched from looking pretty and going for date nights would just be sleeping comfortably in bed. Which might not really work because the reason your relationship was exciting, refreshing and gave you so much butterflies is that there was a lot of novelty. You both learnt about each other and always wanted to try new things together with absolutely no distractions.

I recall on a video i made sometime back i said when you are not ready for a baby in the marriage it can frustrate the marriage because the baby needs attention, love and learning the baby’s personality and patterns.

Our 2nd born baby Shalom and mom in a dress by @fashiondashcouture.

So everyday you learn something new about your baby and what i wish i had done more often is write down or record on my journal when our babies were most calm. This would help us to know what led to this calm state and you eventually know the more you spend time with your baby.

Learning about your new baby does not stop because you are giving birth for the third time. Parents who have more than one baby can tell you this, all children are so different with their personalities. It is so amazing just watching them flourish in who they are with so much trust and love they carry that is not diminished by any experience or words yet ( one of the reasons my husband and i chose homeschooling for our children).

Many of us struggled earlier especially if your first experience together was a baby that literally sleeps at 4AM. What normally happens is that you are tired and mostly you wish your date time could be in bed sleeping. The temptation is to sleep the moment the baby sleeps, and yes you should so your body gets the rest it needs. However it is important not to neglect your relationship with your spouse. Why do i say this?

1. You will feel like there is something missing and more often empty.

2. If this continues you will be resentful and start learning to blame your partner for not being there for you.

3. The distance between you and your partner affects the baby more than you know and conditions the baby to learn a default way in their subconcious of how relationships are.

4. The temptation to postpone how you feel to the next day. I will deal with this tomorrow yet the feeling continues and builds momentum in you because it is consistent.

5. Then that is when people say marriage does not work.

One of my favourite family photoshoots

How do you really master making time with your husband?
For me i really struggled with our second baby Shalom ( who was such a quiet baby) and making time for each other was tough and to be honest i was not at that matured level i am now. I used to love having friends and i thought being a social butterfly would inherently make me a great homemaker.

I was humbled especially when i conceived baby Kairos, i came to the realisation that i had to choose to be a social butterfly or a mother. I had to because i was always so tired. I remembered just how much i loved my family and how my wonderful husband had always made time for us but in that time i was mostly distracted.

So i interviewed my husband on this subject.

Mom today, taking a self timed picture after mommy duties

How has having a new baby each time changed your life?
He says it is learning and knowing the new baby.
How has it affected your relationship with your wife (Mrs. Me)?
My love says i was always with the new baby, nursing and taking care of our new baby. He adds though that it did not affect our relationship much because we always do things together. If i can name a few nappy change, bathing baby, clinic visits, naptimes and more. He says for us this part has not been that challenging because we both know our baby so well and we are both present in that journey together which has brought us closer.

My husband and i spending time while our children who are grown up now playing their bikes outside.

I really appreciate my husband’s contribution here, so now we know that one of the ways to spend time is to do things together. Take care and spend time with your baby together.

Once a while when you have a good nanny or someone you trust who knows the baby, you can go out the two of you and have a good time reconnecting. If this is not possible yet i have learnt in our journey to go with your baby out making sure you know her sleep patterns, feeding patterns so you are able to take advantage of that. This helps you to enjoy your outing or vacation without being frustrated by your beautiful baby crying consistently in public.

One of the reasons i have this blog for women younger or older to make a better choice even before getting married to know that it is not just about how beautiful you look on your wedding day and on social media but its about the impact you are making with God’s given roles in marriage in your environment and further impacting other generations to come.

On a hot chocolate date with our children at Molly’s in Mbabane, Eswatini while off from work and while my husband was at work.

We have always had a wonderful time with my husband because he has always been more mature with the love like Jesus Christ. However when i looked at my marriage with purpose i was healed of being self centered. Life is very big, God is big and God is love. Being self centered does not feature with God because God loves His creation and whatever He blesses you with He trusts that you will bless others for His glory.

Fast forward to today when we make time we remove all distractions, so we build a consistently beautiful relationship. One cannot solve years of inconsistency by a holiday abroad for example. It takes commitment and priority not necessarily dates together.
It requires creativity especially when finances are low, you can still have a good time at home. Cook together and have coffee together too whatever you both love and enjoy.

Coffee time is my favourite time with my husband.

The most important is to love and support each other, watch soccer and fashion tv😃😃 together. A fun family life starts from a good relationship parents have, children notice and it affects them.

Remember that each family is different, however you choose to spend time with each other is so different. This is because we love different experiences in life and that is okay. What i mentioned here us not a standard but just ways which can inspire you to create ways that suit yourself and your spouse.

My husband with our girls who are now grown up.

mommy beauty blog

The arrival of our baby Kairos (the appointed time in the purpose of God)

This is a mommy beauty blog, i am looking to create moments with my children which will inspire you as you inspire me.
Therefore please watch out for blog posts on all things #Godly #mommy #baby #husband #homeschooling #makeup #daypreparations #preandpostmaternity #business #dreamssetasideandresurrected #dailypursuitofarelationshipwithGod. I know you are a wonderful mom, that is why you are here and i would love to hear from you an be inspired by you on the comments section. #Godblessyou

This is your mommy blog that bases raising children with the word of God which is our foundation of our life in our family. We all have opinions and experiences but our opinions may often judge and limit other people yet the word of God is Love. The Word sheilds us all and leads us to a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ. Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, et the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heavenbelongs to such as these.”

I do not know about you, but I have encountered a lot of challenges as a mom together with my wonderful husband who loves taking care of our children too (maybe a little more than me) haha. Someone I love very dearly once brought to my attention that we do not warn other aspiring moms how hectic it gets when your beautiful baby arrives. All of a sudden you do not have time to do anything anymore except feed the baby, change the nappy get the baby to sleep and much more . What could be so time consuming when you only mentioned a few things to do? It is more time consuming than it sounds. 24 hours now feels like 12 hours or less. This is the very reason that brings me here to let you know that you are not alone, someone may be feeling the same way you do and we have to thrive more than we survive because babies do not do well in a hostile environment.

Another thing is as a mom when the stress level is quite high the milk supply lessens if you are breastfeeding and that is more frustrating for us moms. I recall so many times when I was stressed and milk supply decreases. In my experience mothers are judged so much by friends, family and society which can be discouraging. However I realised over the years when a baby is well fed, and gets enough attention, love and sleep adequately they are less fussy. a happy mom equals a happy baby and i beleive the other way around too.

A beautiful ride from the clinic with our new born baby to our home

Although most of the time when a mom is not well rested herself then it becomes challenging to enjoy the new baby. At times if not most (hahaha) it happens that you are both really tired and you try by all means not to leave it all to your nanny because you still want to bond with your baby. I must say building your bond with your baby is very important and balancing that with your rest time is important too. I remember our first born Charis (God’s favour) would be up all night only to sleep at 4 AM. My husband and i developed a strategy to take turns, id be with him till 12:00 midnight, then my husband would take over till 4 AM. we still had to wake up 2 hours later and get ready for work. at that time we had a stay in nanny, but we did not wake her up to relieve us because we needed her to be alert during the day.

Interestingly day preparations were easier with a stay in nanny, we would come home and rest with my husband but totally take care of our baby. what we made sure we did was bath our babies by ourselves which we do till today. After the birth of our third baby my husband and I decided to have a nanny that commutes so we have no choice but to intentionally take care of our children ourselves. I must admit the change was really tough but for us the benefits of bonding with our children and just enjoying our space when the children are asleep outweighed the challenges of having a nanny that commutes daily. This is not a standard, everyone is in their own season and time in life and you know as a family what you need in this very time. If what you need is a stay in nanny, please have one. or two (hahaha)
My schedule was immediately affected with morning preparations being very hectic i tell you. I had to balance between cooking,making lunch boxes, excercising and getting ready for work, while my husband bathed our children and prepared for work too. If you know me i have always been a glamarous girl and i love dressing up but that was highly affected.
However I now make sure i wake up 10 minutes earlier for my makeup and dresscode.

On blogging im sure one may wonder why start now, I have wanted to start a blog 5 years ago but I guess i just was not ready and it was not the time for me. God had to teach me to love people because He cares and loves His creation and at that time I thought it was about me having a blog. We had a photoshoot to prepare for content pictures, but I conceived our second baby Shalom (God’s perfect peace) and I just became so lazy. Now I want to reach out to families, women, men, the youth and share my journey, what i have learnt and make a difference by helping correct the mistakes we made and our learn something from our best moments. My dear reader, here I am 5 years later resurrecting my dream and serving others as i do that.

As I conclude the most challenging moments whenever I gave birth is the proper latch in the first moments. That is when you start breastfeeding your baby, you have just met and words really cannot describe how wonderful you are feeling. However not mastering a proper latch can be stressful.

With the help of other moms and yourself I am here to make this journey much easier and enjoyable for us all. We know that the baby pictures we take most of the time do not reflect the reality of the pressure we can have when your precious baby arrives.

Always remember that whatever you choose in your experince before or after having children will not only affect you but their generation lne, their children and their children’s children. I pray that we may sow good seeds so they walk in the blessings their parents sowed for them which is the best inheritance a Father leave for his children. Proverbs 17:6 ” Children’s childre are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children”

mommy beauty blog

My name is Futhi Mkhwanazi, I am maried to a wonderful husband and together wecare parents to Charis ,Shalom and Kairos. My husband and i homeschool all our 3 children. I met my husband 15 years ago and inherited a beautiful daughter Lindelwa who is my princess and is in University right now. My husband and i have been married for 10 years. I love pretty things, God, family, makeup, skincare, nails, long wavy hair, travelling and branding & marketing and creating content for media platforms, novelty inspires me and provokes inspiration. I am ready to share my innermost thoughts and life with the world

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