10 Ways Busy Parents Can Simplify Their Life Today

It is the early Monday morning, you thought it would find you prepared but whom are you kidding because you know very well you did not prepare much at all until the vanity of wishful thinking that the weekend is still continuing disappears. It becomes another day where you are rushing through preparing for workContinue reading “10 Ways Busy Parents Can Simplify Their Life Today”

12 Essential Moments For Parenting Success

I realize the parenting journey cannot be walked alone and some people say it takes a community to raise children, and there is truth there because you need all the good advice you can get from other moms, and grand mothers who have walked ahead of you. There are always people willing to share informationContinue reading “12 Essential Moments For Parenting Success”

Survival tips for working moms

Review Daily Routines Suffering from burn out is very common whenever you have routines that no longer work. It becomes very important to review your routines from time to time just like decluttering unnecessary material our routines need to be uncluttered too. I refer to daily routines because it is what you do consistently thatContinue reading “Survival tips for working moms”

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